Diamond Fiberglass & Fibrex Piping Systems
COVID-19 Statement
Like people all over the globe, we are monitoring the virus situation carefully and often. Diamond/Fibrex is committed to keeping its employees, suppliers and customers as safe from the virus as reasonably possible. Here are some of the steps we have undertaken:
- Disinfecting high traffic areas multiple times per day, such as bathrooms, break rooms, door handles, computer keyboards, lockers, and any other frequently touched surfaces.
- Practicing self isolation in the workplace by altering procedures such that employees can maintain sufficient distance from each other.
- Altered lunch & break times so fewer employees are in the lunch room at any one time.
- Cancelled previously scheduled travel for employees until further notice.
- Reduced the number of face to face meetings with customers, suppliers, & employees to only those absolutely necessary. In place of such meetings, we are implementing phone conference calls and digital methods of communication.
- Any employee who has been diagnosed with or exposed to COVID-19, or comes in close
prolonged contact with someone in our shop or home who has, is eligible for up to 10 work
days of catastrophe pay – whether or not they are showing symptoms. This removes the financial hardship of self quarantining for hourly workers.
Our supplies are arriving on time and Diamond/Fibrex continues in full operation. We hope that by taking these and other steps we’re doing our part to keep you and your family free from the COVIC-19 illness.