

New Plant Update

New Plant Update

We have some exciting news regarding our fabrication plant rebuilding.  The contract for the new plant was awarded last week and initial design work has begun.  Our expectation is that we will have the building up early Q1, 2018.  We are replacing with...

What a Month!

What a Month!

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity and certainly filled with long days and obstacles.  But we have made significant progress in our recovery and rebuild plan.  Morale is high and we are all starting to feel like some progress is taking place. In...

Three Moves in Three Weeks!

Three Moves in Three Weeks!

Progress is happening!Since the fire, our production team and Diamond Services team have continued working at the plant while the office staff  were at temporary facilities.Our first office setup at our attorney's office conference room (very tight)Our...